The only place to be

Welcome to our website

Welcome to Avalon a mythical land of elagance and extravagance  beauty and music where the king who reigns has fellow kings who are never forgotten whose legends as written in songs

The King is ofcourse the elagent front man of Roxy  Music,  Bryan Ferry called by some the king of cool and his fellow kings are his fellow Glam King band mates of Roxy Music who in their most elagent moment created the classic song "Avalon" which is where thisite gets it's name.

Visitor's notice

This is the best place to discover the all the social linking networks besk links to all things Roxy Music and Bryan Ferry and the most informative sites of the net. we have links to youtube, facebook, twitter, myspace, artist's home pacges youtube videos and news and much, much more.

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06/09/2009 09:17

Visitors notice

This site is under construction still so there are a few bugs to Iron out on this site the forums are finished if you have any ideas that could improve the site please tell me by email or on the feedback page or by facebook or myspace message so if posible impliment them on this site.  This...
06/09/2009 09:16

Website launched

Our new website has been launched today. The goal of this site is to  make the finding and access of Information about Bryan Ferry & Roxy Music and the Tribute bands easy and fun to find with links to all the sites that will give good information not just  gossip. Places to find...
Roxy Music Pictures, Images and Photos

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