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Article archive

29/09/2009 21:35


Whoever said a website had to be boring I want to make this site a fun place where you can learn about the latest news about Roxy and her tributes artists and sites I have compiled a collection of  web links on the wap site my links site. Here are widgets to music...
14/09/2009 13:11

Welcolme to the slightly rough copy of Avalon

I would like to welcome the vistors  of this site to a slight more complete site but  no site is totally comlpete and until it's closed and I am hoping that won't be too soon. Many of the programs on this part of the site aren't wap compatable this is the web part of the site and like...
06/09/2009 09:17

Visitors notice

This site is under construction still so there are a few bugs to Iron out on this site the forums are finished if you have any ideas that could improve the site please tell me by email or on the feedback page or by facebook or myspace message so if posible impliment them on this site.  This...
06/09/2009 09:16

First blog

Our new blog has been launched today. Stay focused on it and we will try to keep you informed. You can read new posts on this blog via the RSS feed.
06/09/2009 09:16

New event

This is a sample event description. You can edit this description as you wish or remove the entire event.
06/09/2009 09:16

Website launched

Our new website has been launched today. The goal of this site is to  make the finding and access of Information about Bryan Ferry & Roxy Music and the Tribute bands easy and fun to find with links to all the sites that will give good information not just  gossip. Places to find...

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